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More About Me

Experience and a personal introduction

Tailored services

From small or big decisions to important milestones, my job is to guide you on the path of marketing choices to success. I’m fueled by my commitment to excellence and always want to make sure my clients are fully satisfied with my work.

With experience that ranges from sales, marketing, coordination and project management I aim to help you with your marketing need to a successful goal and beyond - B2C and B2B. Read more about my experience and where I have worked on LinkedIn here.

Contact me today for an initial consultation, and find out more about how I can tailor my services to your needs.

On a more personal note...

I live in Stockholm, Sweden with my husband and we have three children, one son and two daughters.

My personal interests are, among other, psychology, well being and learning new things. I am always studying something new, right now I am studying counseling during my free time. As a person I am loving, driven, curious and unafraid. As a mother raising three children, I always believed that there is a balance between structure, knowing what to do (and what not to do), and being very loved and accepted for who you are. Maybe thats a good recipe for well functioning relationships at work as well?

I love adventure and that is shown in, for example, how I love to travel. On my bucket list still lies the continent of Africa - looking forward to that! A dream of mine, that also involves traveling, is to be able to help children all over the world to a better life.

I speak Swedish, English, Spanish and Brasilian Portuguese. 

I hope to hear from you!

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